Remote support
Fast, efficient, cost-effective fault resolutionMany of the common problems you are likely to experience with your home computer can often be solved without the need to bring it in to us, or for us to visit your home.
Using our remote-control software, we can connect to your PC or laptop via your broadband internet connection. Problems associated with software or virus infections can frequently be resolved in this way.
Once we have connected to your computer remotely, you will be able to see exactly what we are doing on your screen – so you can be assured that we won’t access any confidential information or private files. It is, of course, essential that you are present at the computer throughout the remote connection process – and we will be unable to connect remotely without your permission.
This type of remote support service is an extremely cost-effective, fast and efficient way to resolve common PC or laptop problems. Please contact us to find out if remote support can be used to resolve any issues you might be experiencing.